Ottomans Books

  • The Ottoman Empire
    A brief history of the establishment and growth of the Ottoman Empire, its achievements, and its eventual dissolution.
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  • The Tsunami of Constantinople
    A mermaid princess in Constantinople and a merman prince near Turkey face conflict when the Ottomans attack. The princess saves her city, but the people flee to Italy, leadin…
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  • Ottoman Wars
    A historical account of the conquest of Istanbul and two other wars involving the Ottoman Empire, with some inaccuracies and lack of clarity.
    Weenie can't find her stuffed animal, Bun, and searches the house until she finds him in the garage.
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    Age Of Foundation At the time of the Ottoman Principality there was no political unity in the Balkans. The most powerful being in the Balkans was the Serbian Empire and There…
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  • Ocean and the voices
    This book is about a 3rd grader who has just moved to California. She's scared to start her new school and doesn't really like her house. But as she stays in the house she s…
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  • The Battle of Lepanto
    The Battle of Lepanto was a naval battle in 1571 between the Ottoman Empire and United Christian forces. The Christians won, pushing back the Ottomans.
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  • The Ottoman Empire: From Establishment to Ending
    A brief overview of the Ottoman Empire's history, rulers, and its decline, with additional information on movies and TV series about it.
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