Outdoor Area Books

  • Max and Billy's House
    A detailed map of a house, including bedrooms, cars, cool stuff, utilities, and outdoor areas.
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  • Our Family Trip To MEXICO
    Leo and his cousins, Hayden and Eli, go on a fun vacation to Mexico with their families. They enjoy the beach, pool, parties, and more.
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  • Colloborative Creations About Our Dream School
    Teachers and students from different countries collaborate to create various areas in their school. The story focuses on the creation of the classroom plan, science lab, libr…
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    An informative book about tornadoes, including their definition, occurrence, dangers, and safety tips.
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  • Hurricanes
    Ajnin, Brown Beard, and Olly the Alien discuss hurricanes and how they form, their effects, and safety recommendations.
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  • The ABC's of Going Green
    An informative book about waste management and recycling, covering topics such as aluminum cans, composting, drop-off centers, and more.
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  • What are animals? and Where do they live?
    In this book, a selective amount of animals are briefly described of who they are and where they habitat.

    I ask that you enjoy this book and explore the different ty…
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  • Saving our Earth: An A to Z Guide
    An informative book that takes readers through an A-Z guide of environmental issues, from Air Pollution to Zoos. Each letter represents a different topic, providing facts and…
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