Outing Books

  • THE 100 MEN
    A group of 100 men go on various outings, reducing their numbers each time, until only 7 are left. They have a party and live happily ever after.
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  • When I Was Young
    A nostalgic reflection on the author's childhood memories of bike rides, road trips, celebrations, beach trips, and ice cream outings.
  • An outing with the children
    A fun-filled day of a family's trip to a picnic, zoo, and movie, ending with tired but happy kids.
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  • Our Adventures in Math
    A child recounts various events involving friends, skateboards, family, and outings.
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  • Barbie And Ken Went On A Trip
    Barbie and Ken go on a trip with their kids, have fun at the park, and enjoy a delicious meal.
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  • Going to the playground
    A sibling outing to the playground and ice cream truck, followed by a return home.
  • Ordinary Ollie's Extraordinary Outing
    Ollie, an ordinary boy, encounters a strange girl selling magical beans. After eating one, he has extraordinary adventures but eventually returns to his normal life with a ne…
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  • Famous People Party
    A group of historical figures go on a pizza outing but forget their pizza. They enjoy the pizza they eventually receive and part ways.
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