Overcoming Obstacles Books

  • A cat named Midway goes on an adventure outside meeting friends and overcoming obstacles.
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  • The Bumpy Road
    A little red tractor takes a group of animals on an adventurous journey to their grandparents' house, overcoming obstacles along the way.
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  • Mr. Pear and the Big Race
    Mr. Pear doesn't know what to do or how to run in the race when something unexpected happens.
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  • Sam's Story
    A peasant boy named Sam embarks on a journey to save Princess Rose from a pirate, overcoming obstacles with the help of his friend Felix and becoming king in the end.
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  • Overcoming Geographical Obstacles
    This informative book explores various structures, such as bridges, dams, canals, and tunnels, that people build to overcome geographical challenges.
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  • The treasure hunt
    Luca and Brenna find a treasure map on the beach in Australia. They embark on an adventure, overcoming obstacles, and finally discover the treasure chest filled with lollies.
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  • Hatsune Miku
    A high school girl dreams of becoming a pop star, forms a band with friends, and overcomes nerves to achieve success.
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  • Fins and Fleece
    A shy sheep and a curious fish form an unlikely friendship, facing fears and overcoming obstacles together.
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