Panama Books

  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
  • My Story About Panama :
    Panama facts location, food, music and culture in an audio book for learning English as a New Language
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    A brief history of soccer in Panama, from its beginnings to the present day, highlighting notable achievements and the impact of coach Thomas Christiansen.
  • Where Our Families Come From
    "Where Our Families Come From" Our ENL class Multicultural Project. Celebrating diversity of our multicultural backgrounds as we practice reading, writing, and speaking …
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  • Panama Canal
    The story provides a brief history of the Panama Canal, from its conception to its construction and current expansion.
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  • Panama Canal
    A brief history of the Panama Canal, its purpose, benefits, disadvantages, and impact on Panama's economy.
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  • Black Ethnics Groups In Panamá
    A brief history of the African presence in Panama, from the arrival of slaves to modern times.
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  • Black Ethnicity in Panama
    An informational text about the Afro-Panamanian population, their history, location, traditional food, and traditions.
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