Parasites Books

  • How Flatworms & RoundwormsDigest
    This book provides information about Platyhelminthes and Nematodes, their digestive systems, nutrition, and feeding habits.
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  • The Adventure of Kara The Capybara
    Kara the Capybara navigates the challenges of the rainforest biome, including predators, parasites, and bullies.
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  • All About Fleas
    A brief introduction to fleas, their characteristics, and habits.
  • Symbiosis: A Way of Life
    The story explains symbiotic relationships using examples of mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism in nature.
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  • Charlie the Chinchilla: Learns About Home
    Charlie, a chinchilla, learns about his biome, predators, parasites, and the importance of his fur. He overcomes his fear of walking to school.
  • Parasites: The intro
    A brief introduction to different plant parasites and prevention measures.
  • Malaria
    An informative book about malaria, including its definition, discovery, causes, and symptoms.
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  • Hailey
    Hailey, a girl from a village, discovers she has a tapeworm parasite. She learns about its source and how to prevent it.
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