Parental Advice Books

  • Big Chungus and Fortnite
    Big Chungus, a rabbit, faces bullying while playing Fortnite. He seeks advice from friends and parents, learning the importance of parental guidance in online gaming.
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    Dad talks to Benji about online safety, using a story about a boy named Tom who was tricked by an online predator.
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  • The Party
    Edward the Elephant wants to go to a party despite his parents' warnings, but learns a valuable lesson when he falls ill.
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  • The Bad Ostrich
    A cautionary tale about the consequences of not listening to parents, leading to a series of unfortunate events.
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  • The importance of parents
    A family's excessive spoiling of their children leads to tragic consequences, teaching the importance of valuing and listening to parents.
  • Untidy Tiana
    Tiana, an untidy girl, avoids cleaning by hiding messes under her bed. When everything spills out, she learns the importance of cleaning up.
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  • My Blankie and Me
    A child learns to let go of their beloved Blankie and finds comfort in keeping it safe but not carrying it everywhere.
  • eSafety
    Liya learns about internet safety and how to protect her tablet.
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