Pathogens Books

  • Oh No! Ashley is Sick
    Ashley learns about the immune system and how it protects the body from pathogens. She also experiences a cut and learns about the healing process.
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  • the adventures of sammy salmonella
    Sammy Salmonella and Eric E. Coli compete for the Pathogen of the Year award, but learn the importance of friendship and working towards goals.
  • Why am I sick?
    Lu Lu wakes up feeling sick and goes to the doctor, who explains the immune system and how it fights off pathogens.
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  • Lines of Defense
    A story about the different types of superheroes in our body that protect us from pathogens and how we can help them.
  • Story Pathogen
    A food-borne pathogen explains the causes of foodborne illnesses and expresses satisfaction in causing pain to a human.
  • Immune system
    Princess Sophia and her cat, Missy, explain the immune system, covering topics like skin, mucous membrane, sweat, oil glands, mucus, T-cells, cytotoxicity, B-memory cells, fe…
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  • Jeff's Body Battle
    Jeff gets sick after going to Coachella. The story zooms into his immune system and explains how it fights off pathogens.
  • The Pathogen Invasion
    A bacteria named Ben, a pathogen, tries to attack people by hiding in food. He targets a distracted mother but she gets treated and recovers.
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