Patrick Mahomes Books

  • The life of patrick mahomes
    The story follows the life and achievements of Patrick Mahomes, a talented quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs.
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  • Tom Brady retires forever
    The Chiefs and the Patriots play a football game. The Chiefs win, Tom Brady gets hurt, and Patrick Mahomes is praised.
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  • the three quarter backs tuff
    This book represents how you should be kind and always remember to let people always get to wherever they need to be
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  • Patrick Mahomes Social Advocate
    A children's picture book about Patrick Mahomes, highlighting his personal and professional achievements, including his foundation and charitable work.
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  • about kansas city chiefs
    man the first book i wrote had to be about football and i really think it is good
  • ABC's of Black Sports
    The story is an alphabetical list of prominent African American athletes, providing brief biographical information about each one.
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  • Odins Poems
    Sarge is cute and mini. The narrator shares moments of cleaning, family time, and a Christmas surprise, along with a football game mishap and a poetic thought.
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  • The Story of Sliver Mahomes
    Sliver, a football stone, falls through a hole and goes through the rock cycle, becoming metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rocks.
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