Peasants Books

  • The Peasant and the Devil
    A clever peasant outwits the devil multiple times to keep his treasure. The story highlights the peasant's wit and cunning.
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  • The Peasant Girl and the Knights
    A peasant girl named Garnet desperately wants to be able to support her poor family. She meets someone who tells her about a good job, but everyone says she can't get the job…
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  • The King Who Loves to Sing
    Joseph is a king who loves to sing even though many people do not like to hear his voice. He pushes past the hurt and continues to do what he loves the most…singing.
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  • Sam's Story
    A peasant boy named Sam embarks on a journey to save Princess Rose from a pirate, overcoming obstacles with the help of his friend Felix and becoming king in the end.
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  • Miracles Can Happen
    Lilly, a strong and helpful peasant girl, saves a unicorn from quicksand. She is rewarded with a magical transformation and helps her father escape from prison.
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  • The Greedy God
    In a kingdom ruled by a greedy king, the peasants devise a plan to dethrone him and create a prosperous future for themselves.
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  • The King's Palette
    The King's Palace is a parable about God's artistry, forgiveness, and love.
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  • The Peasant
    Set in 1349, the story follows a Scottish peasant's life during the Black Plague. The protagonist faces hardships like harsh weather, unfair treatment from nobility, and the …
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