Perfection Books

  • Dogs!
    A rhyming poem that celebrates the different characteristics of dogs, emphasizing their uniqueness and perfection.
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  • The Big Bake Off
    When Mayor Cherry is in need of a birthday cake, two bakers have to battle it out for the title of Best Baker in Fruity Ville and the honor of baking the mayor's birthday tre…
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  • The Princess and the Pizza
    Princess Triangella, a pizza-loving princess, must find a suitor who can bring her the perfect slice of pizza. After rejecting several suitors, she realizes that perfection i…
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  • Flawless Girl
    Irene participates in a contest to be the perfect girl. She wins but realizes that perfection is subjective and everyone has flaws.
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  • The Best Christmas Tree Ever
    Holly's family struggles to find a Christmas tree they can afford, but she learns that the best tree isn't about perfection, but the love and joy it brings.
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  • The Legend Of The Dragon Scroll
    In Ancient China, Emperor Guotin commissions an artist to paint a realistic dragon. When the eyes are unrealistic, the artist is banished. The emperor learns that perfection …
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  • It's okay not to be perfect!
    Harmony, a flute player, strives for perfection but learns from her teacher that music is about self-expression and doing your best.
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