Perseverance Books

  • The Three Nails
    The story of a nail that refuses to be hammered down. A tale of determination and perseverance against incredible odds.
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  • Perseverance, Cleverness, and Fearlessness
    Perseverance, Cleverness, and Fearlessness will help you get through horrible and difficult situations.
    By Zoe Wong
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  • Perseverance
    A puppy named Javi learns tricks from his owner Olive, struggling with 'roll over' but eventually succeeding through perseverance.
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  • Perseverance By Matthew Santy
    A rhyming book that teaches children about perseverance and the importance of not giving up.
    Eye Icon 79
  • Perseverance
    This is a biography of Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight series, and her journey to becoming a successful writer.
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  • Sturdy
    A little table faces challenges and finds strength in acts of kindness, reminding us to embrace our uniqueness and touch the lives of others.
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  • Albert Einstein Perseverance
    The story of Albert Einstein's life, struggles, and achievements, emphasizing his perseverance and groundbreaking contributions to science.
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  • The backup: A story about perseverance
    Brandon, a backup on the football team, works hard and eventually becomes the starting quarterback.
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