Personal Note Books

  • 3D Optical illusions!
    For those who can stand having head aches after reading! This book has amazing 3D illusions I think you will enjoy this book! Happy reading!

    -Kaliecakes aka Mommajo…
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  • Kate Roth Donovan's Poetry
    A collection of short poems and a personal note by an eight-year-old author, Jessa Brielle Donovan.
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  • Fruit Salad
    A simple recipe for making fruit salad is provided, along with encouragement and a personal note from the author.
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  • Science Fiction
    Tom and Bob discuss science fiction, dystopian societies, and time travel. Sean, the author, adds a personal note at the end.
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  • ABC Physical Science Book
    A list of scientific terms and definitions, with a random personal note at the end.
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  • ABC's of Foods
    An alphabetical list of various foods and their descriptions, ending with a personal note from the author.
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  • Rich In Love
    A personal memoir about a Chinese refugee and immigrant experience, with family stories, historical context, and reflections on identity and resilience.
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  • How to make a Pizza for 8 March
    A recipe for making heart-shaped pizza, with step-by-step instructions and a personal note at the end.
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