Personality Quiz Books

  • The shadow beast. What character are you?
    A personality quiz that assigns a character based on the reader's answers. The characters have different hobbies, fears, descriptions, happy places, favorite genres, and colo…
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  • Kitty Culture
    All you have to know about cats -fun facts,care,personality,tests,and even a fanfiction story about their origins!
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  • Wings of Fire Test What dragon are you?
    Have you ever wondered what dragon in Wings of Fire you are? Then this is the book for you. All you need to do is keep track of your answers and the book will do the rest! I …
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  • Quizzie wizzie!
    Ava and Avery host a game show where readers answer questions to determine their superhero persona. The story ends with a call to action and a brief introduction of the autho…
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  • Which Warrior Clan are you?
    A personality quiz-style book that helps readers determine which fictional cat clan they belong to based on their preferences and traits.
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    Wilton is really struggling at school and so his parents decide to get him a tutor. When all of the best tutors are booked up, Wilton's parents hire a tutor with a unique sty…
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  • What Character From
    This is a fun Dark Vision Series quiz for you to do! If you haven't read the Dark Vision Series yet, I recommend doing so before you take this quiz. Please enjoy, and don't f…
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  • Which MYTHICAL CREATURE Matches You?
    This interactive quiz helps you discover your personality type based on your preferences and choices, with a fun scoring system to reveal your results.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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