Pharaohs Books

  • The Pyramid of Giza
    A brief history of the construction and significance of the Great Pyramid of Giza in ancient Egypt.
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  • Ancient Egypt
    An informative book about ancient Egypt, covering topics such as pharaohs, mummification, social structure, pyramids, gods, and diet.
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  • Ancient Egypt
    This book provides a detailed overview of Ancient Egypt, covering various periods and aspects such as the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms, the Nile River, Pharaohs, Pyramids, G…
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    A brief introduction to ancient Egypt, including information about pharaohs, gods, the Nile, and daily life.
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  • Timeline of Ancient Egypt
    An introduction to Ancient Egypt, covering topics such as hieroglyphic writing, the first settlers, the Egyptian state, the first pyramid, the Valley of the Kings, and Tutank…
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  • Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Sculptures
    This informative piece provides a detailed overview of Egyptian Pharaoh sculptures, highlighting their distinct elements and the cultural significance behind them. It include…
  • King Tutankhamun
    The story of King Tutankhamun, a Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt's 18th Dynasty, his reign, marriage, death, and legacy.
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  • All about Ancient Egypt
    An informative book about Ancient Egypt, covering its geography, famous landmarks, culture, and traditions.
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