Pharmacology Books

  • SciGirls are on the Stage
    Interviews with three women in different STEM fields: clinical pharmacology, engineering, and architecture. They discuss their experiences, challenges, and advice.
    An informative book about drugs, their classifications, administration methods, and effects on the body. It also covers the etymology of the word 'drug' and the different cat…
  • chemical bonding's
    This book provides a comprehensive explanation of chemical bonding, including ionic and covalent bonds, valence electrons, and the properties of compounds. It aims to deepen …
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    A brief introduction to the medical field, including education requirements, career options, and subjects studied.
  • Ampho The Terrible
    Ampho, a misunderstood boy, stands up to Fun-guy, a bully. With his unique abilities, Ampho saves the children from Fun-guy's harm.
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  • Physics and Chemistry
    This book provides an overview of physics and chemistry, their history, and their importance in understanding the natural world.
  • Ken And His Snakebite
    A little boy named Ken gets bitten by a snake and is guided by a fairy to a temple where he meets Asclepius, the god of healing, who helps him recover.
  • what i want to be
    This story provides information about the requirements and process of becoming a dentist, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the profession.
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