Philanthropy Books

  • The Amazing life of Eliza Hamilton
    This is the story of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, wife of the founding father Alexander Hamilton.
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  • Mr beast
    The inspiring story of MrBeast, a YouTuber and philanthropist known for his extravagant stunts, challenges, and generous acts of charity.
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  • Milton Hershey and the Chocolate Factory
    This is a detailed biography of Milton Hershey, the founder of Hershey's Chocolate Company. It covers his early life, business ventures, failures, successes, and philanthropi…
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  • Dolly Parton: A Beautiful Life
    A nonfiction story describing Dolly Parton's life, special events, passion for music and more!
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    A brief biography of Bad Bunny, a Puerto Rican singer and songwriter known for his trap and reggaetón music. It covers his early life, career, achievements, and philanthropy.
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  • What The Honk?
    A biography of Karl Jacobs, an entertainer and philanthropist, highlighting his achievements, interests, and contributions to various causes.
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  • Serena Jameka Williams
    this book is about Serena Williams my tennis idol. we got an assignment for school to do a biography or autobiography any one we would like so i picked her!!
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  • Mr Philanthropist
    This is a biography of Mr Beast, a popular YouTuber known for his philanthropy and entertaining challenges. It covers his early life, rise to fame, and impact on the communit…
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