Pioneers Books

  • Pioneer 2019-2020
    Un Diario sobre mi tiempo en Pioneer con Vanessa.
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  • My Adventist Pioneers.
    This book explores the history of the Advent movement and its pioneers, highlighting key figures and their contributions to the faith and community.
  • A Pioneers Journal
    a pioneer called Matt that always dreamed of exploring the Wild West.
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  • Moss - A Story Of Succession
    A story about Moss, a pioneer species that transforms an empty land into a thriving community, and its impact on the environment and people.
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  • Traveling the Oregon Trail
    This informative book provides a detailed account of the Oregon Trail, including its location, reasons for travel, journey length, packing essentials, crossing water, dangers…
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  • The Oregon Trail
    A detailed account of the Oregon Trail, from its history and reasons for migration to the challenges faced by pioneers and their settlement in Oregon.
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  • The lesson of johnny Appleseed
    The story tells how Johnny Appleseed, a kind person, helped Indians, pioneers, and animals by giving them apples and telling stories.
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  • Rusty Blakey
    This is a book about my great great grandfather, a pioneer in aviation.
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