Plantation Farming Books

  • Booker T. Washington Fighting For Equality
    The story of Booker T. Washington, a former slave who became an influential educator and leader in the fight for racial equality.
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  • Coconut Farming
    A coconut farm in Coconut Water City grows coconuts for the Coconutarians. The farm practices organic, non-GMO farming and faces challenges due to slow growth. The story ends…
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  • Coconut Island Farm
    The Coconut Island Farm is a large plantation farm in Greenville, growing crops like coffee beans, pineapples, sugar cane, and sweet potatoes. They also raise chickens and co…
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  • All About Farming
    This story provides an overview of different types of farming practices, including subsistence farming, commercial agriculture, shifting agriculture, extensive agriculture, i…
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  • Agriculture Storybook
    A farmer in Mirandasingsville discusses the location, farming methods, target consumers, potential problems, and economic impact of their farm.
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    This is a story about a coffee farm in Subland, Angola. It discusses the reasons for its location, the farming practices, and the export process.
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  • Types of Agriculture
    This book provides an overview of different types of agriculture, including shifting cultivation, pastoral nomadism, and more.
  • The Adventures of ECS
    Eunice and her classmates study environmental education, visit a sustainable community, and present on connecting people to food and nature.
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