Playground Books

  • Pirates in the Playground
    Cute story about pirates playing in a school playground and learning all about good manners from the children
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  • Braxton's Dream
    A delightfully joyous story told by 5 year-old Braxton after waking one morning from a dream. His mother listened with much interest and anticipation as he shared his playfu…
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  • Team Wilson and the Big Playground Mess
    Team Wilson, a class at Barbara Jordan Early College Prep, uses magic to clean up a messy playground and then enjoys extra playtime.
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  • The Class Hero
    Justin, a student in Mrs. Jane's class, is being bullied during recess until a new student named Timmy stands up for him and helps create a positive environment.
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  • Dots 2
    Red and his dot friends build a playground, work hard, and are rewarded when little dots start playing on it.
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  • Mean Dragon
    Max, a dragon who is kind but misunderstood, befriends Jack, a boy who loves dragons. Together, they face challenges and build a playground to promote acceptance and friendsh…
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  • A Day at the Park
    A group of kids in a town navigate friendships and conflicts at the park, learning important lessons along the way.
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  • how jack gets a friend
    Jack, an eagle at a new school, is looking for friends. He meets classmates and forms friendships. Jack learns the importance of helping others.
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