Political Conflict Books

  • IRAN
    A brief overview of Iran's history from 1941 to 1981, highlighting political changes and conflicts.
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  • Communism In China
    The story follows the political history of China, from Sun Yixian's presidency to the rise of communism. It includes conflicts with warlords, the Kuomintang, and the Japanese.
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  • Mandela's Civil Rights Fight
    This book provides a biography of Nelson Mandela, his early life, conflicts, advocacy, accomplishments, and how he is remembered.
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    The story provides a comprehensive overview of the Cold War, discussing key events, concepts, and impacts. It covers topics like the arms race, space race, proxy wars, contai…
  • French Revolution
    A description of the French Revolution, its causes, events, and impact on France and Europe.
  • The Culture of the Maya Empire
    A brief overview of the Maya civilization, including their location, lifestyle, food, religion, government, and more.
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  • Afghanistan Proxy War
    A brief history of Afghanistan from 1978 to the present day, highlighting political changes and conflicts.
  • The Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution, also known as the Bloodless Revolution, was a political and religious conflict in 1688-1689 that resulted in William of Orange becoming the King of E…
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