Pollution Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • 4th Grade
    This book explores the effects of human activities on the environment, including pollution from vehicles and factories, and the importance of recycling and using renewable re…
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  • Air Pollution
    The story explains the causes and effects of air pollution, emphasizing human activities. It also mentions specific pollutants and their impact on climate change and health.
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  • Pollution
    A child discusses pollution and its impact on the environment, emphasizing the importance of individual actions to reduce pollution.
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  • Smoggy's Pollution Adventure
    Smoggy the Froggy moves to NYC, learns about pollution, and convinces his family to buy an electric car to reduce it.
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  • SISTERS Saving the Reef of Maldives
    An inspirational book about friends traveling together on their dream vacation. They discover coral bleaching and feel impassioned to spread awareness of the impact of pollut…
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    A book that educates children about water pollution and its impact on life, providing solutions to keep water sources clean.
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  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
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