Pond Books

  • Ferdine The Frog and The Muddle-Puddle Pond
    Ferdine is a helpful frog who enjoys many adventures with his friends at The Muddle-Puddle Pond. Join us for their fun times!
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  • E the Elephant Overcomes
    A young duckling with golden wings, Diana, befriends a scared elephant named E and helps him overcome his fear. They have fun together and E becomes more confident.
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  • Beyond The Pond Frog's Adventure
    Frog wishes to explore beyond her pond but worries about the dangers. She embarks on an adventure, facing various challenges and learning to be brave.
  • The Love That Never Ends
    This book is about an amazing superhero who is now an angel in heaven...my brother, Benjamin.
    Eye Icon 1744
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  • ALPACA TALES The Adventure at The Big Pond
    Alpaca Tales and The Adventure at The Big Pond!
    Roxy the Great Pyrenees does a great job telling all about her very first adventure on the alpaca farm.
    Read all our…
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  • The Ugly Duckling
    Sometimes we just need some time and the right environment to develop into our true selves.
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  • Prince Zak and the frog
    This is about a prince dropping a ball into a pond.
    by WOT1
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  • Life in the Pond
    This book provides information about ponds, including their characteristics, plants, animals, pond dipping, pollution, and the importance of wildlife conservation.
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