Pottery Books

  • Pottery
    A brief introduction to pottery, including the different techniques and firing processes involved.
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  • Marnie The Piggy Bank
    In a nursery, a pottery piggy bank stands on a high wardrobe. It's stuffed with money and feels superior to other toys. They play a game, but the piggy bank falls and breaks,…
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  • Pottery Glaze
    This informative book explains the components of pottery glazes, including silica, flux, alumina, and metal oxides. It also discusses the colors produced by different transit…
  • Gambill Archaeology
    Gambill Archaeology showcases the best artifacts found by members of the Gambill family. Its author, Adam Gambill, is a history instructor at Three Rivers College in poplar b…
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  • The Travels of Flat Stanley
    Flat Stanley travels from Georgia to Colorado to visit his friend's cousin, Kelle. He explores the desert, visits ancient dwellings, and has adventures.
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  • C U C U T E N I 5000
    The story introduces the Cucuteni pottery fair in Romania, its history, significance, and impact on traditional art.
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  • Pottery Workshops
    A workshop where participants can design and create their own ceramic coffee mugs or bowls using various techniques.
    This story provides instructions on how to process clay and includes information on its distribution, consumption, and disposal.
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