Power Pellet Books

  • A Very Scary Christmas
    A family's winter break is disrupted when they lose power due to a fallen tree. They find alternative ways to enjoy their time and celebrate Christmas.
  • Pacifist
    A child falls into an underground world and encounters a talking flower, Toriel the caretaker, and a monster blocking their path.
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  • ABC Owls
    An alphabet journey through the life of an owl, exploring their habitat, diet, physical features, and symbolic roles in culture.
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  • Planet S-J-M by Jessica Eales
    Red and Blue bots go on a mission to find life on a rocky planet. They discover a good seed, encounter Black bot, and face a dangerous situation.
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  • Nuclear Power
    An informative book about nuclear power, discussing its advantages, disadvantages, and how it works.
    An informative text about nuclear power, including its process, environmental impact, and advantages. Mentions the Fukushima accident and global nuclear reactor statistics.
  • The Infamous Chernobyl Disaster
    A description of the Chernobyl disaster, its causes, aftermath, and impact on the environment and people.
  • What Is The Weather Like Today?
    Explore the fascinating world of weather, from sunny days to storms, and learn how air, water, and the sun interact to create our climate and weather patterns.
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