Power Struggle Books

  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
    The animals on Manor Farm rebel against their human owner, Mr. Jones, and establish their own farm called Animal Farm. However, power struggles and corruption lead to a retur…
    Eye Icon 1965
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  • Twisted Frozen
    Elsa and Anna, sisters with magical powers, struggle to control their abilities. As adults, they learn to control their powers and live in peace. They pass on their powers to…
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  • The Ice Powers
    Alissa, a girl with magical ice powers, struggles with her abilities and relationship with her sister Myla. After their parents leave them alone, Alissa runs away and builds …
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  • The Fox and the Rabbit
    A fox and a rabbit engage in a power struggle in the forest, leading to a surprising twist.
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  • The War of Three Henry's
    A historical fiction about the power struggle between three Henrys for the French throne, with religious tensions and political alliances.
  • The Lower School Revolution
    A series of stories about conflicts and power struggles between different school grades, resulting in protests, trials, and wars.
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  • Black Girl Magic Julie Ivonne
    My daughters are like yours! They possess a magic that is inspiring and full of love. Throughout this book we will navigate the meaning of "Black Girl Magic" as well absorb b…
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  • pokemon love story
    A story about the relationship between two Pokemon, Slyveon and Umberon, and their struggles with love, jealousy, forgiveness, and protection.
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