Practice Books

  • I Know I Can!
    Peyton is a well-trained, award winning therapy dog. She wasn't always so trained however. It took patience and practice. Great book to teach kids to not get frustrated and p…
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  • I Want to Pitch!
    Elizabeth wants to pitch in a baseball game, but her coach tells her she needs to practice more.
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  • Practice Makes Perfect
    A young child learns to ride a bike, facing challenges and eventually mastering the skill through practice.
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  • Written and Illustrated by Ram Sankar
    Zain, a boy who loves basketball, learns to play and overcomes his initial struggles with practice and determination.
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  • Spike Dreams of Soccer
    Spike is a dinosaur that has always wanted to be a soccer player and be part of a team, this is his story toward his goal.
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  • Alyssa The Ballerina
    This book is about a ballerina that loves ballet so much!
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  • How to draw for Beginners
    This book provides step-by-step instructions and tips for learning to draw. It covers basic lines and curves, shading, perspective, complex objects, contour drawing, and addi…
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  • Sammie's soccer dream
    A girl named Sammie who goes through challenges to accomplish her dreams.
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