Precious Stones Books

  • Precious Stones (A Haiku Collection)
    A collection of haikus and a haibun that explore various subjects, including nature, precious stones, and personal reflections.
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  • Gemstones in the world
    This book provides information about precious stones like ruby, diamond, emerald, pearl, and amber, including their characteristics and historical significance.
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  • In Search of a precious stone
    A group of boys venture into a maze in search of a precious stone. They get trapped but eventually find the stone and return home.
  • Roses Red, Roses White
    This is a reimagined tale of Snow White, where the Wicked Witch is her mother who turns into a witch to protect her. The story revolves around a rose named Snow White, a dwar…
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  • Sebastian and the Precious Stones
    Sebastian, a 12-year-old orphan in Italy, finds a magical jewelry box with three stones that can bring love, cure illness, and produce food. He embarks on a journey to help p…
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  • Trees (A Haiku Collection)
    This is a haiku collection of trees. It has poems about maple trees to bristlecone pines. Have fun reading and stay tuned for the following haiku collection, Precious Stones
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  • The Artist from Penjikent
    Read the story about the artist from ancient city of Penjikent in Central Asia
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  • The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors
    A story about the origins of rock paper scissors, where three kingdoms go to war over stolen resources until a sorcerer intervenes and creates the game as a tiebreaker.
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