Preschoolers Books

  • Goodbye Apollo
    The purpose of this book is to comfort children during the five stages of grief. The target age group for the book is preschoolers however it can be enjoyed by all audiences.…
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  • My First Day of School
    My First Day of School is a book written for all ages, including preschoolers. The purpose of the book is to make the audience aware of the importance of children's feelings …
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  • Learning the Alphabet
    ABC book for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Learn letters A-Z and new words and colors with me!
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  • Animals
    This is a good book for preschoolers. It gives an informitive description of the different animals still giving them room to learn.
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  • Counting Zoo Animals
    "Counting Zoo Animals" is a counting book for children learning how to count from one to ten. This is the first book by Israel Calhoun-Jones when he was four years old.
  • Preschoolers, Start Your Engines!
    Miss Riley takes her preschool class on a fun and educational tour of their classroom, teaching them rules of the road along the way.
  • I Am Fearfully & Wonderfully Made!
    Preschoolers learn why you are a remarkable person while learning body parts.
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  • Shapes and Colors
    A beginning book for preschoolers using repetitive sentences that encourage young children to read by themselves.
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