Presidential Memorial Books

  • Jefferson Memorial
    The Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. is a presidential memorial dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, one of the American Founding Fathers.
  • John F. Kennedy a biography
    The life and presidency of John F. Kennedy, including his upbringing, marriage, election, work as president, Cuban Missile Crisis, assassination, and legacy.
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  • The United States of America
    A brief introduction to America, its landmarks, history, and national parks.
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  • Washington D.C
    An informative book about Washington, D.C., its history, landmarks, and the first president of the United States.
  • Quick Facts about the U.S.A
    This book provides information about various landmarks and symbols of the United States, including the Statue of Liberty, the White House, the American flag, political party …
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  • Sightseeings of USA
    A collection of informative descriptions of famous landmarks in the United States, including the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Golden Gate Bridge, Yellowstone, White Hou…
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  • World War I and The 1920s
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of World War I and the significant events of the 1920s, including the causes of the war, US involvement, technological advancement…
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  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt's life journey from his early education to his presidency, highlighting his challenges and achievements during the Great Depression and World War II.
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