Printing Books

  • 3D Printing (It's changing our world)
    Code the cat explains 3D printing, its process, benefits, and applications in a kid-friendly manner.
  • 3D Printer
    A group of students work together to fix and build a 3D printer, learning about design and printing along the way.
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  • Papa Carlos's Story
    The story of a man named Apolo, his life in Guatemala City, his printing business, and his dreams and challenges.
  • 3D Printing Adventure
    A project involving 26 schools, 44 teachers, and over 150 students from 7 countries. It focuses on ICT, 3D printing, collaboration, and evaluation.
    This story provides an overview of the process of writing and publishing a book, including editing, design, printing, marketing, and distribution.
  • Johannes Gutenber invention of printing press
    This book tells the story of Johannes Gutenberg, the German inventor who created the printing press and revolutionized the spread of knowledge and education.
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  • Katharine Baldwin, a triplet born prematurely with cerebral palsy, overcomes her disability to pursue a writing career and write children's books.
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  • The Life of Johannes Gutenberg
    Want to learn more about the creator of the Printing Press?
    Read this book to find out more about the creator of the Printing Press...
    Johannes Gutenberg
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