Prioritization Books

  • A Soccer Story
    Two boys, Harry and Tiddle, prepare for soccer tryouts. Harry neglects his schoolwork, fails a test, and doesn't make the team. Tiddle, who prioritized studying, makes the te…
    by 1826
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  • A girl who loves to play
    Princess Riyanna loves to play but neglects her studies. After disappointing grades, she learns to prioritize and improves academically.
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  • Harry and Tiddle
    Two young boys named Tiddle and Harry who are trying to make their school's soccer team.
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  • The Lemonade Stand
    Joe, Barbara, and Mike want a PS4 but decide to build a lemonade stand to earn money. They later realize they have a test and buy Kindles to study. They all do well on the te…
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    Jorg, a student, contemplates taking a student assistant job. She weighs the pros and cons, considers her busy schedule, mental health, and personal interests, and ultimately…
  • Harry The Hippo Does His Homework
    Harry the Hippo gets easily distracted from doing his homework and has to learn to prioritize his tasks.
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  • IICTI Reflection #4: Priorities
    The narrator reflects on their extensive to-do list and the need to prioritize tasks before the end of a course.
  • Little Jimmy Loves His Games!
    Little Jimmy learns a valuable lesson about putting off his schoolwork!
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