Procrastination Books

  • Hurcle and Durcal Clean Their House
    Hurcle and Durcal clean their messy house, but realize the yard needs work too. They plan to do it tomorrow, but it rains. The next day, they make goo.
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    A story about a student who procrastinates studying for an exam and ends up failing, but learns a lesson from it.
    The story discusses the benefits of procrastination, including reducing stress and allowing for more important tasks. It also includes comprehension questions and vocabulary …
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  • Mady's Book
    This a story about a girl who makes a beautiful book for her art class. Will the teacher like it?
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  • procrastination
    Chubby Bear wants to go to Spain but faces various obstacles. In the end, he decides to relax at home.
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  • If You Give a Class an Assignment
    A class tries to avoid an assignment by gossiping and talking about an upcoming dance, but eventually realizes they need to get back to their work.
  • David the Dawdle Dog
    David wants a toy firetruck for Christmas but must clean his room first. He procrastinates and hides everything under his bed, disappointing his dad.
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  • Lazy Lucy
    Lazy Lucy is about a lazy girl who constantly procrastinates, causing frustration for her friends and family. However, she eventually learns the importance of taking action a…
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