Profit Motive Books

  • Fred's Free Enterprise Journey
    Fred learns about scarcity, factors of production, trade-offs, capitalism, property rights, profit motive, and self-interest on his free enterprise journey.
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  • Kid Friendly Economics
    Brad the genie takes Lochy, the Lochness monster, on a magical journey through economics, teaching him about concepts like scarcity, opportunity cost, trade, and entrepreneur…
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  • Storybook
    An educational book explaining economic concepts such as scarcity, factors of production, trade-offs, capitalism, property rights, profit motive, and self-interest.
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  • The Economy
    John, an average consumer, experiences scarcity, trade-offs, self-interest, property rights, profit motive, and factors of production.
  • Introduction to Economics
    An introduction to basic economic concepts such as scarcity, resources, trade-offs, economic questions, goals, and principles.
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  • Three Little Pigs (Economy)
    Three little pigs explore different economies - free market, command, and mixed - to find the perfect balance of control.
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  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
    Goldilocks stumbles upon a house with different-sized chairs and bowls, representing different economies. She explains them to the bears but gets arrested.
  • Free Market
    Tom, a coffee shop owner, comes up with a plan to make custom smoothies to compete with a new coffee shop. He faces challenges but ultimately succeeds. The story also briefly…
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