Prometheus Books

  • Prometheus
    Prometheus, a minor god and titan, steals fire from Zeus to give to humans. As punishment, he is chained to a boulder and has his liver eaten by a vulture every day. Hercules…
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  • Prometheus- The Story of Fire
    The story of Prometheus, a Greek god who created humans and stole fire from Zeus, leading to his punishment.
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  • Prometheus
    Prometheus, a Titan, helps humanity by giving them fire and teaching them skills. He is punished by Zeus but is eventually freed by his son Hercules.
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  • Prometheus: The Fire Thief
    The story of Prometheus, a Titan who defies Zeus by giving fire to humans and is punished for it.
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  • Pandora's Box
    The story of Pandora's Box, where Prometheus and Epimetheus are punished by Zeus, leading to the release of all evil into the world.
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  • Prometheus
    The story of Prometheus, a god who created humans and stole fire from Zeus, and how he was punished and eventually freed.
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  • Prometheus: The Fire Thief
    The story of Prometheus, a titan who stole fire from the gods and was punished by Zeus. He later gets released with the help of his mother.
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  • Prometheus And The Fire
    The story of Prometheus, a Titan who gave fire to humans and was punished by Zeus.
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