Promotional Books

  • Star Gaze
    the dominus giveaway is played-based on mining simulator of me giving dominuses on ROBLOX
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  • ABC's of Fruits
    An alphabet book that introduces various fruits and other items. Includes a promotion for another book.
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    Paloma Reyes is a young girl who loves comic books and superheroes.Unfortunately her older brother never lets her join in when he's playing with his friends. But due to some …
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    A promotional text for the TAXHACKS2020 APP, which claims to help with tax and financial management.
  • Custom T's and Design's
    A promotional text for Custom T's and Design's, a business that sells custom t-shirts and offers various services. It emphasizes community involvement and quality products.
  • Price Booklet
    The story provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects of pricing, including different forms of price, the importance of price, steps to determine price, and various …
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  • Whachama-Gadgets
    A short story about a gadget girl helping someone open a can and promoting Whachama-Gadgets as the best in assisting the elderly.
  • Celebrating the bicentennial promoting our cultural identity, a gift from God
    A promotional piece about Peru, highlighting its culture, resources, and inventions.
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