Property Rights Books

  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • What do You See in My Mama's Garden?
    My family's dream was to have a pollinator garden that pollinators would come to world-wide.

    The county government killed my parents' dreams of helping to take car…
  • Elizabeth Does A Little Chemistry
    Captain George Burtles of the Royal Air Force (R.A.F.), needing an improved fuel for a new type of jet aircraft, telephones Elizabeth to engage her help. Elizabeth, using her…
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  • Upon A Star
    A curious boy named Cameron embarks on a dream journey through space, exploring the properties of different planets and realizing the value of his home.
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  • The History of Warren
    the history of Warren, CT. Fourth grade students of Mrs. Woodington's class created this StoryJumper rich with information!
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  • PiNK
    Can Calvin, a high school chemistry teacher, match wits with the richest and most intelligent scientist in the world? When that scientist is his brother who is trying to tak…
  • The Bill of Rights
    A brief overview of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, and their importance in protecting individual rights and freedoms.
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  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
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