Protractor Books

  • An Angle's World
    A fun and informative book about angles, their types, and how to measure them using a protractor. Meet Pauly the Protractor and his angle friends as they teach you all about …
  • Of Course Challenge: School Edition
    A collection of short statements from various school supplies, showcasing their characteristics and roles in a school setting.
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  • Angles Are as Easy as Pie
    A book that introduces angles and their types, explains how to measure them using a protractor, and provides examples from everyday life.
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  • All About Angles
    An informative book that introduces angles, their definitions, and examples of acute and obtuse angles in everyday life.
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  • The Perfect Little Angle
    A little girl goes on a journey with a protractor named Petey to find the perfect right angle, encountering different angles along the way.
  • 6th Grade Survival Guide
    A guide written by two 6th graders to help 5th graders survive middle school, covering topics such as classes, lunch, recess, band, lockers, and more.
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  • Everglow Facts, Members Profile
    This is a very helpful guide to Everglow. They debuted 3 months ago, so not much is known about them yet. Please add in the comments which group you want me to do their profi…
  • Geometry Dictionary
    An educational book about different shapes, angles, and line pairs. It provides definitions and examples of each shape and angle type.
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