Public Transportation Books

  • Let's Save The Environment !
    A call to action to save the planet by reducing, reusing, recycling, planting trees, saving animals, using public transportation, and more.
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  • Pollution Pete and Environmental Evan
    Pollution Pete and Environmental Evan have different habits when it comes to pollution. Pete pollutes while Evan takes care of the environment.
  • 你怎么去......?
    A collection of dialogues in different languages, providing directions to various locations using public transportation.
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  • Transportation Around Us Water Transportation
    Silva introduces different types of water transportation in Sorong, Indonesia, including sailboats, ferries, ships, and submarines.
  • Pollution
    A child discusses pollution and its impact on the environment, emphasizing the importance of individual actions to reduce pollution.
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  • Fossil Fuels: Where are  you?
    An informative book about fossil fuels, their types, extraction methods, and environmental impact. It also provides tips on how to conserve fossil fuels.
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    In the year 2098, a lonely panda leaves its forest and befriends a girl named Audrey. They bond over their inability to speak and their shared commitment to using public tran…
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  • Civil Rights Movement
    A brief overview of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, including key events and figures.
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