Purpose Of Life Books

  • Arnold the Ant
    An ant named Arnold learns that his size does not necessarily mean that he is weak and learns that everyone has a purpose in life
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Strange Adventure
    A magical boy with special powers seeks redemption and a new purpose in life after destroying the world, only to be reincarnated as a girl in Vietnam. She joins a club of pas…
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    Ice sends the Roblox noob on a mission to collect six orbs in the Land of Oz. The purpose of the mission is unclear, but the noob sets off with enthusiasm.
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  • Riley's Special Gift
    Riley has the ability to choose her dreams and takes her sister Gracie on adventures. She later uses her gift to bring joy to sick children in the hospital, particularly a gi…
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  • Running Man
    A poem about the author's love for running and how it brings joy and purpose to their life.
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  • The Journey of Life
    Genie, a girl from the small town of Bonikua, embarks on an adventure to discover the purpose of life. Along the way, she learns about Buddhism, Christianity, and Taoism. Wit…
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    The narrator reflects on their life, experiences, and aspirations, including travel, education, relationships, and personal growth.
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