Pyramids Books

  • Sneezer McGeezer
    Sneezer McGeezer goes to Egypt and helps a little mummy boy find his mummy mommy and then gets stuck in a pyramid. But Sneezer has a special talent - a very unusual special t…
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  • The Pyramid of Giza
    A brief history of the construction and significance of the Great Pyramid of Giza in ancient Egypt.
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  • Harry And the Pyramid Of Giza
    This is the second story of Adam Ahmed's books. This time, Harry gets lost in Egypt.
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  • The Energy Pyramid
    Eva Energy takes readers on a journey through the Energy Pyramid, explaining how energy is transferred from the sun to producers, consumers, and quaternary consumers. She als…
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  • Ancient Egypt
    An informative book about ancient Egypt, covering topics such as pharaohs, mummification, social structure, pyramids, gods, and diet.
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  • Max Finds His Confidence.
    A teenage warrior named Max overcomes his lack of confidence and becomes a great warrior through training and battles.
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  • The Lizards
    A group of brave lizards help a trapped snake in the desert and then admire the Pyramids.
  • Transamerica Pyramid
    This is a Informational book about Transamerica Pyramid. I hope you guys like this book.
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