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An overview of the Middle Colonies, including their founders, economy, trade, and the influence of Quakers.

The story of Lucretia Mott, a Quaker activist for women's rights and abolition. It covers her upbringing, education, activism, and major achievements.

The story of William Penn, a Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania in North America.
by mayapandya

An informative alphabet book that teaches about colonial America, from attire to the Zenger Trial, with accurate historical facts and clear explanations.
by carissaopry

An informative book about the Middle colonies, their crops, climate, and history, including the founding of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, and New Jersey.

The story of Susan B. Anthony, a Quaker who fought for women's rights and equality.
by anorkus

The story of Susan B. Anthony, a prominent women's rights activist who fought for suffrage and equality in the United States.

An overview of the Middle Colonies, their founding, economy, triangular trade, and the Quakers' role in the New World.
by cchavanne00

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