Qualifications Books

    A brief overview of the FBI workplace, qualifications, and fun facts, with a personal statement about wanting the job.
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  • Pascal The Pharmacist
    This story provides an overview of the responsibilities and qualifications of a retail pharmacist.
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  • The Wonderful 3 Branches of Government
    An overview of the three branches of government and their functions, along with some qualifications and powers of each branch.
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  • So You want to be President?
    A brief introduction to the qualifications needed to become the President of the United States.
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  • The Pirate President
    A child dreams of becoming President but learns about the qualifications, responsibilities, and challenges of the role.
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  • GLAT 1st Year | English II My ePortfolio
    A collection of personal reflections on life during lockdown and social distancing, the impacts of COVID-19 on tourism, and the author's contribution to the Sustainable Devel…
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  • How to be an Online Sales Manager
    This book provides information on the role of an online sales manager, including responsibilities, qualifications, and skills needed for success.
  • The President of the United States
    This book provides information about the role of the President in the United States, including their duties, responsibilities, and qualifications. It also mentions some histo…
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