Racial Inequality Books

  • Friedrich In Cincinnati
    The story follows Friedrich Mayer, a German immigrant in 1848 America, as he navigates cultural differences, racial inequality, and the political climate.
  • Civil Rights Movement (1955-1965)
    The story of the Greensboro sit-ins in 1960, where African American college students peacefully protested racial inequality.
  • Alice Coachman
    The inspiring story of Alice Coachman, the first African American woman to win an Olympic gold medal in Track and Field.
  • Booker T. Washington Fighting For Equality
    The story of Booker T. Washington, a former slave who became an influential educator and leader in the fight for racial equality.
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  • A Woman's Auto-Biography ( That I found in my [ Yasmin Bober's ] Attic )
    A biracial girl in the Progressive Era shares her experiences of racial discrimination, inequality, and her aspirations to become a journalist.
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  • Planted Seeds
    The story of George Washington Carver, a former slave who became a renowned scientist and educator, and his contributions to agriculture and society.
  • A Celebrity whom I admire: Jennifer Aniston
    A biography of Jennifer Aniston, highlighting her career as an actress, philanthropy work, and impact on the author.
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  • Thurgood Marshall
    This book provides a biography of Thurgood Marshall, highlighting his early life, career as a lawyer, and his impact on civil rights. It also explores his legacy and contribu…
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