Radioactive Books

  • The Amazing Spider Man
    A brief introduction to Spider-Man, his villains, how he was made, and his suit.
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  • Pete the cat loves his elements
    Pete the cat steps in various piles of radioactive elements, but remains unharmed and continues singing his song.
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  • Radioactive Pollution
    A brief overview of radioactive pollution, focusing on the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan and its consequences. Provides some protection measures against radiation expos…
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    A boy named Peter Parker gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes Spider-Man, fighting crime and defeating the powerful Venom.
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    5 aliens and 2 humans who become friends and fight crime
  • Radioactive Ryans radical adventure
    Ryan, who works at a nuclear power plant, tells the story of how he got his unique appearance after a meltdown caused by mishandled fuel rods.
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  • The Radioactive Translator Who Created a Universal Language
    Glentastic, a boy with a stutter, gains the ability to understand foreign languages and creates a universal language to unite creatures on an unfamiliar planet.
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