Reading Strategies Books

  • Reading Strategies
    A young reader shares the strategies they use to become a good reader, including finger-reading, finding a quiet spot, sounding out words, thinking about the text, asking que…
  • Scaffolding Reading and Writing Strategies
    A collection of quotes and ideas about effective instructional models/strategies for reading and writing instruction, with some personal reflections and examples.
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  • The Story of Yamin
    Yamin, a first-grader from Turkey, learns reading strategies with his English teacher, Mrs. Dye, who accommodates his language needs.
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  • All about ME: Self- Study
    Kristen, a young reader, shares her love for reading and how it transports her to different places. She discusses her reading strategies, favorite authors, and the importance…
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  • Culturally Responsive Teaching Reading and Writing Strategies for Diverse Learners
    The story explores the concept of culturally responsive education, providing insights and practical tips for teachers to create inclusive and equitable classrooms.
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  • Sometimes My Friends Bug me.
    A child reflects on how their friend sometimes behaves in ways they don't like, and shares strategies for dealing with it.
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  • My life as a Reader
    A first-grade aide shares her love for reading, favorite books, and strategies to get children to read.
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  • Maeve Goes to the Moon!
    The story follows a 10-year-old girl named Maeve who discovers she has dyslexia. Despite her initial confusion and fear, she learns to navigate her challenges through creativ…
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