Realms Books

  • The Legend of the Sea
    The story of a young mermaid's quest to reunite with a handsome Viking prince after saving his life one night during a violent storm. A magical tale of love, sacrifice and ad…
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    Minecraft is for Everyone! So this takes you through a journy about minecraft!
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  • Goodnight, Goodnight
    A bedtime poem written for your sweet little ones. A gentle reminder that dreams are where the best things can happen.
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  • Dragon Park
    The legend of Dragon Park, a hidden realm of fire-breathing dragons, and the anthropologist who discovered it.
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    In a fairy realm, a king and queen desperately want a child. The king makes a deal with a witch, but it backfires, leading to a curse on the kingdom. Years later, a princess …
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  • The Celestial Cat's Whisper
    Anya, with hidden cat ears, feels the magic of the stars. She reunites with cat friends Anya and Sapphire, discussing bonds and worries in the enchanting Sky Realm.
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  • Realm wars A Minecraft novella
    Two sister realms, the Nether and the End, have been at war. A battle ensues, but the Enderdragon's arrival turns the tide. The Nether surrenders, bringing peace.
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  • Trip through the realms part 1 : The Never realm
    Four teenage friends with unique abilities find themselves in a mysterious portal, steal golden weapons, and face the wrath of an evil king.
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