Relaxation Books

    A descriptive narrative about a person's walk in nature, observing the beauty of fall colors and wildlife.
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  • Mama Sloth Goes SHOPPING!
    Mama Sloth must make a trip to the "Sloth Mart." But she has 4 kids to pile into the car and take. Will they make it to the store and back home before Daddy Sloth gets home f…
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  • Fun Things To Do During Quarantine!
    These are some fun things do during quarantine! I was bored, so I made this for you guys! :D
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  • The Lazy Song
    A child expresses their desire to be lazy and unproductive for the day.
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  • Rub-a-Dub-Dub I Got to Get in the Tub
    A perfect book that will help any kid enjoy bath time!
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  • 10 Things To Do During Quarantine
    A list of activities to do during free time, including exercise, cooking, art, knitting, learning games, exploring, cleaning, reading, writing, and taking a bath.
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  • How To Be Zen
    If your life is full of stress, read this book and see if it helps!
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  • The Trip to the Waterpark
    In this story, read about The Trip to the waterpark and act as characters.
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