Remote Teaching Books

    A humorous story about a teacher's experience during quarantine and remote teaching.
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  • the magic book
    Three children in a remote village discover a magical book that transports them into its stories, teaching them valuable lessons about storytelling and friendship.
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  • Electricity
    A curious boy named Elliot learns about electricity and circuits in a science class, building circuits and understanding concepts like current, voltage, resistance, insulator…
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  • Remote Learning
    A science teacher adapts to teaching online and shares advice with her students on staying positive and healthy during the pandemic.
  • The Remote Control
    Robert the science guy teaches kids about the history, workings, and uses of remote controls.
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  • For A Better Community
    A book about the various activities of volunteers in Vietnam, from traffic police to caring for disadvantaged children and teaching in remote areas.
  • ABC's of Distance Learning
    An alphabetical guide to various terms and concepts related to online learning, including asynchronous learning, blended learning, email, Google, Zoom, and more.
  • My School Year
    A student reflects on their first year at a Catholic school, making new friends, learning subjects, and adapting to remote learning due to the virus.
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