Renaissance Books

  • Who was: Leonardo Da Vinci?
    This story is all about Leonardo da Vinci, a famous inventor, with a heart of steel.
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  • The Renaissance
    An overview of the Italian Renaissance, including its history, major cities, humanism, education, art, literature, and impact.
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  • ABC's of Renaissance
    A collection of short descriptions about various topics related to the Renaissance, including art, science, religion, and history.
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  • The Black Death!!
    The story provides an overview of the Black Death, its origins, spread, symptoms, and impact on society, ending with a note about the Renaissance.
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  • Forest Renaissance
    A family road trip turns into an adventure when they run out of fuel. The protagonist learns survival skills and reflects on family bonds while facing challenges in the wilde…
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  • The Renaissance Art
    The story explores the development of art during the Renaissance, highlighting famous artists and their masterpieces.
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  • Leonardo's Life of Art
    A biography of Leonardo da Vinci, his life, works, and inventions.
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  • Renaissance A-Z Book
    This is an informative piece that provides brief descriptions of various historical and cultural elements, each corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. It covers topics fr…
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